
Apply for Canada Immigration with Investor visa from Dubai, UAE

It is widely believed that Canada is one of the top 10 easiest countries to start a business in. This is due to the country being extremely rich in natural resources, having an immensely skilled labour force and a stable government. Canada investor program is designed for those who would like to immigrate to Canada as an Entrepreneur or Investor. They can opt for investor visa Canada as they are exposed to several Entrepreneur and Canada Investor Visa options available, including the general Start-up Visa Program and the provincial-specific Nominee Program. If you are successful with your application, you and your family can move to Canada together.

There are several business programs which offers Canada investor visa, they comprise of:

The Canadian government has a criteria to select its immigrants for the Canada Investor Visa Program, the necessary requirements include:

Canada Investor Visa Program 2020

The Quebec Investor Program (QIIP) is the only investor visa category available in the financial year 2020-21, thus a program which will offer the permanent residency as well.

What benefit shall Canada avail?

The investment amount of 1,200,000$ Canadian is invested in Canada as a guarantee mentioned by the Government of Quebec. Partly the interest generated due to the investment of 1,200,000$ finances the intermediary brokerage firms. The rest of the interest generated by the investments is provided to local small Businesses as 0% interest loans, and invested for sponsoring refugees and other immigration programs that benefit the society.

Hence, the Immigrant Investor’s contributions sums up the economic development of Canada in advance and helps create job opportunities in Quebec and Canada indirectly.

In return for your contributions, Canada will provide you the opportunity to become a Canadian Permanent Resident without considering all the mandatory requirements of the other types of immigration programs.

This can be the best investment you have ever done.

How Cosmos helps you?

Quebec Entrepreneur program

This program is applicable for foreign residents entering Quebec for business establishment

The program has been revoked in the year 2018 and now operates under two streams for which an entrepreneur can apply for Certificate of Selection of Quebec (CSQ) -

Quebec Self-Employed

In the Quebec province, self-employed applicants are primarily differentiated from skilled worker applicants where they are entering Canada in order to create their own job by practicing a profession or commercial activities.

The candidate must have two years of relevant business experience with possession at a personal level - net worth of $100,000 CAD

Also one must have enough settlement funding before coming to Quebec;

One must generate employment for the applicant by practicing a profession defined in the National Occupational Classification.

Like skilled workers, the self-employed applicant is assessed under a selection grid composed of several factors.

Provincial Nominee Entrepreneur programs

To acquire a Canada investment visa this program gives each territory and province an authority to invite an application and then make a suitable selection depending upon the investment plans and investments.


British Columbia


Entrepreneur Pathway Investor Pathway
3 years of full time business experience 3 years of full time experience in farm ownership
Investment inside the Manitoba Capital region- $250,000.
Outside - $150,000.
No age limit but scoring of points will be easier if the age is 25 - 49
$300,000 CAD in the farm business.
proficient in either French or English
Must provide permanent employment The business should always be in the accordance with farm activities in the province
Adaptability: Your spouse or common law partner should score 5 or more benchmark, Should have completed or must have enrolled in the Manitoba province, Should have completed a year in the same province A minimum net worth possessed by you should be at least $500,000.

Nova Scotia

Entrepreneur International Graduate
personal net worth - $600,000 CAD minimum Intended business investment - $150,000 CAD Valid Post graduation work permit
Age 21 years and a willingness to live and perform business activities Experience and owning of entire business for a period of one year
3 years of experience You need to fill the expression of interest and must obtain an invitation to apply
Qualify the language skills by a benchmark of 5 or greater Qualify the language skills - English, French by a benchmark of 7 or greater


There are currently two categories- Ontario Corporate Stream and the Ontario Entrepreneur Stream.

Ontario Corporate Stream Ontario Entrepreneur Stream
The investor should have 3 years of expertise into the field, and must invest a lump sum amount of $5 million CAD initially The investor should have 3 years of expertise in the field, as a senior manager or owner. The net worth investment Greater Toronto Area- $1,500,000 CAD.Ontario- then the net worth of at least $800,000 CAD
Must provide full time permanent jobs to at least 5 residents; must not have a family connection with any shares holder more than 10% It should be a permanent business meeting all legal requirements, along with providing employment to 2 residents and must be located in the province. The wages should be provided in accordance to Ontario norms

Newfoundland and Labrador

There are currently two new visa options available to initiate a business in Newfoundland and Labrador, the International Entrepreneur and International Graduate Entrepreneur streams.

International Entrepreneur International Graduate Entrepreneur streams.

Age: 21- 59 years old, must have 2 years of experience in the business related work. And must meet the language benchmark of 5

Have an intention to live in the province permanently and actively participate in the support of business

be at least 21years old

Must have a valid post-graduation work permit, permanently while owning and managing a local business with an intent of economic benefit to community

Must have a personal net worth of $600,000 CAD;

And a minimum investment of $200,000 CAD

Must have at least one year’s expertise in actively managing and owning the current business

create at least one job for a permanent resident or citizen of Canada

Should create at least one employment for a permanent resident of Canada; also the business must meet the profit margins

Must meet the profit margin through providing services or selling goods;

at least level seven benchmark in either French or English language

Northwest Territories

The Business Stream requirements are as follows:

You must be able to prove that you have a personal net worth of:

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island is the smallest and among Canada's Maritime Province, it has a great economic scope and facilitates investment immigration Canada by providing a wide range of opportunities. Prince Edward offers and corroborates many initiatives featuring business and start up activities. With modern robustness it has many natural coastal towns with splendid atmosphere thus serving as a best place for investments and labour options.

The only business visa possible in this province is the Prince Edward Island Work Permit. This visa is applicable to foreign nationals or exceptional people with experience in managerial business work.


Yukon is a unique region with pristine natural landscapes, communities residing here are thought to have a deep connection to nature. A business in Yukon gives one an access to ample resources and an explored terrain that is unambiguously untapped for business innovation.

The Government of Yukon has declared the primary business sectors to be the film, forestry, technology, mining, oil, gas and tourism. Thus a business investment in these areas can have a great impact and probably be a great chance of success, to the investors as well as the population residing in the Yukon.

Information technology; manufacturing; value-added processing; forestry; tourism products, attractions, services and facilities; energy; mining or mineral development; agriculture; cultural industries; or film and video production.


Saskatchewan, a province located in the centre of Canada, is well versed with transport systems and suited to manufacture and distribution industries. This province has the lowest provincial tax in Canada and possesses large reserves of forests, mining, sectors of agriculture and energy. You can start a business in this prairie province, having the third largest percentage of young workers in Canada, thus your business will enjoy lower operating costs in Saskatchewan. There are three visa types:

Immigrant Investor Visa Program (Permanently Closed)

The Federal Immigrant Investor Program has not been in operation since June 19, 2014, this immigration program has ended and all applications that were left in the backlog have also been terminated.

For the eligibility an Investor/ an Individual Must Have:

As an immigrant investor, you and your immediate family can thus obtain Canadian Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visas under the Federal Program. This is for applicants intending to reside anywhere in Canada, except Quebec.

Since the program is government guaranteed, your full amount of $800,000 will be reimbursed and without any interest at the end of the five years.

The applicant must have experience in management in an international agency, farming, commercial, industrial or professional business.

Cosmos assists you in providing all the services related to the Investment Visa, we provide end-to end services from determining the country of your choice, submitting your applications, complying with the requirements, understanding the migration law for a country or region; dos and don’ts before you arrive in the country of destination and once you arrive as an immigrant.

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